The Need to Know

The need to know for my novel writing has aroused deeper curiosity about that broad topic ‘the natural world.’ Had I read the following books earlier in my life, I might have pursued college courses in environmental science and ecology. But these books weren’t written then and perhaps I, like many of my generation, wasn’t ready. However, numerous readable studies are now available to spur curiosity, imagination and dreams.

I list a few of these publications that are treasures from my research or the interests of our children. As these have been delightful “discoveries” for me, I urge you to suggest similar revelatory books that have given you engagement in our natural world. I will be pleased and proud to share your suggestions with others.

Finding the Mother Tree by Suzanne Simard;

Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery;

A World on the Wing: the Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds by Scott Weidensaul;

Lentil Underground Project Report: Renegade farmers and the Future of Food in America by Liz Carlisle;

Eager: The Surprising Secret Life of Beavers and Why they Matter by Ben Goldfarb;

What the Owl Knows: the New Science of the World’s Most Enigmatic Bird by Jennifer Ackerman.

One thought on “The Need to Know

  1. Dear Nancy,

    Congratulations on another book and Happy Birthday! Lovely to learn you are still up and kicking.

    Warmest good wishes, Ludmila

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